News & Announcements
The Workers' Party Secretary-General Pritam Singh reviews party’s parliamentary efforts; party will work to secure people’s support for GE2025
The Workers’ Party is encouraged to see the policy changes announced by Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in his maiden National Day Rally speech on 18 August 2024. First, we welcome the announcement of the new SkillsFuture Jobseeker Support Scheme, which will help lower and middle-income workers who have lost their...
Dear all, The Workers’ Party held its Cadre Members' Conference on 30 June 2024. The Cadre Members elected the following as Party Chair and Party Secretary-General:Chair: Ms Sylvia Lim (林瑞莲), 59Secretary-General: Mr Pritam Singh (毕丹星), 48 The following 12 members were elected to the Central Executive Committee (CEC):Mr Ang Boon Yaw (汪文耀),...
The Workers’ Party congratulates Mr Lawrence Wong on his appointment as the fourth Prime Minister of Singapore. The Workers' Party would also like to acknowledge and thank Mr Lee Hsien Loong for his long years of public service and leadership, including 20 years as Singapore’s third Prime Minister. Mr Wong is...
WP Secretary-General Pritam Singh reviews key events in 2023, sends New Year’s wishes to Singaporeans 2023 in review The news cycle has been disquieting throughout 2023, both internationally and locally. The war in Ukraine has dragged on for close to two years now and the eruption of the conflict in the...
The Workers’ Party (WP) Members of Parliament have received many emails and representations from Singaporeans calling for an immediate end to hostilities and the delivery of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. Previous military action in the Gaza Strip undertaken by the Israel Defence Forces in response to militant operations...
THE WORKERS’ PARTY LABOUR DAY MESSAGE: 1 MAY 2023 Greater protections and preparation for workers needed to weather the storms ahead Last Wednesday (26 April 2023), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), in its semi-annual report on the Singapore economy, announced that Singapore’s gross domestic product (GDP) for 2023 is expected to...
WP’s Pritam Singh reviews key debates in 2022, sends New Year’s wishes to Singaporeans
Our journey as a nation started 57 years ago, but the first stirrings of our shared identity emerged when we cast our first votes in the 1955 Legislative Assembly elections. David Marshall, Singapore’s first Chief Minister, went to London to try and achieve self-determination for Singapore. However, the British...
Good evening everyone. Today, I will speak about a key issue in achieving effective and constructive politics. Namely, how to find Singaporeans who are prepared to undertake public service through opposition politics – to have them join as party members, and perhaps even stand as candidates. It is critical that...
We note the release of the interim report by the Parliamentary Committee of Privileges without having taken the evidence of Workers’ Party leaders against whom serious allegations have been made. The Leader of the Opposition, Mr Pritam Singh, had made it clear on 2 December, that he is prepared...
The Workers’ Party Central Executive Committee has approved the formation of a Disciplinary Panel to look into the admissions made by MP Raeesah Khan in Parliament on 1 Nov 2021, arising from an earlier speech made by the MP in Parliament on 3 Aug 2021. The Panel comprises Secretary-General Pritam...
MP Raeesah Khan should not have shared an account that contained untruths in the House. The Parliament (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act gives an MP significant freedom of speech, to the extent that what is said in Parliament cannot be impeached or questioned outside Parliament. However, this freedom of...
The Workers’ Party refers to the Foreign Interference (Countermeasures) Bill which was introduced for First Reading in Parliament on 13 September 2021. While The Workers’ Party believes in countering legitimate acts of foreign interference, we disagree with the current form of the Bill in achieving the said objective.
MEDIA STATEMENT As announced via notice boards last week and in light of the recent easing of Covid restrictions, Workers' Party MPs in Aljunied GRC, Hougang SMC and Sengkang GRC will resume physical Meet the People sessions with effect from Monday 23 August. We hope that this announcement reaches all...
THE WORKERS’ PARTY LABOUR DAY MESSAGE: 1 MAY 2021 On this Labour Day, we see that Singapore has made progress in combating the spread of COVID-19. Even as we keep our guard up, we should recognise the nation’s profound debt to our front-liners in the healthcare sector, the security sector, cleaners,...
The Workers' Party held its Cadre Members' Conference on 27 December 2020. The Cadre Members elected the following as Party Chair and Secretary-General: Chair: Ms Sylvia Lim Swee Lian (林瑞莲), 55Secretary-General: Mr Pritam Singh (毕丹星), 44 The following 12 members were elected to the Central Executive Committee...
The Workers’ Party notes that Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat has indicated in a media interview on 27 May 2020 that the General Elections (GE) should be held soon. He further said:.. “Yes, elections are coming nearer by the day, and you have to be prepared for it”. To...
We had earlier informed the public about the fall at home of Aljunied GRC MP and former WP Secretary-General Low Thia Khiang on 30 April 2020, and that he has been receiving care in hospital since then. We wish to further update everyone that Mr Low was discharged on 21...
We refer to our statement on 3 May 2020. We had shared that Aljunied GRC MP and former WP Secretary-General Mr Low Thia Khiang was being monitored in ICU after sustaining a head injury from a fall at home. After 5 days in ICU, Mr Low was transferred on 4...
Aljunied GRC MP and former Workers’ Party Secretary-General Mr Low Thia Khiang suffered a head injury from a fall at home on 30 April 2020. He is being monitored in the Intensive Care Unit. Mr Low is conscious. Mr Low’s family has requested for privacy so he can focus...
THE WORKERS’ PARTY LABOUR DAY MESSAGE: 1 MAY 2020 Today is a Labour Day like no other. Singapore continues to battle a disease pandemic and what might be our nation’s worst economic contraction since independence. On this Labour Day, our thoughts, prayers and support go first and foremost to our healthcare and...
Workers’ Party to suspend house visits In light of stringent social distancing measures and the spike in COVID-19 cases, the Workers’ Party will temporarily suspend all house visits for the time being. Our residents’ welfare and safety are our utmost priority. The WP MPs and/or town councillors will continue to...
Election speculation amidst COVID-19 The Workers’ Party (WP) understands there is a lot of speculation and excitement over when the General Election (GE) would be called due to the release of the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) report. In line with past experience, the General Election is usually called very...
WP statement on EBRC Report dated 13 Mar 2020 The Workers’ Party (WP) notes that the Electoral Boundaries Review Committee (EBRC) appointed by the Prime Minister’s Office has just released its report, more than seven months after it was appointed. As is its custom, the EBRC has not disclosed how it...
NTU Public Policy and Global Affairs Club: Fake News Forum POFMA: A Shield, not a Sword Speech by Pritam Singh Secretary-General, Workers’ Party of Singapore (Delivered on 28 January 2020) Introduction Distinguished faculty of NTU, Mr Mohd Ismail Yaacob – Chairperson, Public Policy and Global Affairs Club and students of NTU. Thank you for your kind...
The coronavirus outbreak is a new development that is serious and concerning. The Workers’ Party notes that the government has established a multi-ministry task force to consolidate efforts in containing the spread of the virus within Singapore, as well as overseas. We give the task force our full support...
Members’ Forum 2020 – Secretary-General’s Speech: Why should I vote for the Workers’ Party? Chair Sylvia Lim, members of the Central Executive Committee and colleagues, It gives me great pleasure to speak to you at today’s WP Member’s Forum 2020. After the Parliamentary exchanges on jobs for Singaporeans earlier this month,...
The Workers’ Party MPs note and agree with the many concerns expressed at the recent SG Climate rally, together with other civil society groups and Singaporeans, about the Climate Emergency facing our planet. The Workers’ Party has spoken up about excessive carbon emissions and the grave danger this poses to humanity in our speeches...
WP calls for more help for older PMETs On this Labour Day, the Workers' Party honours all workers in Singapore, including the over 1.2 million professionals, managers, executives and technicians (PMETs). PMETs now make up more than half of our resident workforce. By 2030, two out of every three workers...
Dear friends and colleagues, Shortly after I assumed the Secretary-General position in April last year, I asked members who had views, concerns and things to take off their chest to have a chat with me and discuss them.I wish to thank all of you who took the initiative and time...
The Workers’ Party notes with grave concern the deployment of Malaysian Government vessels into Singapore waters off Tuas West. As fraternal neighbours with a wide-ranging bilateral relationship, both Singapore and Malaysia cooperate on many fronts, including the military front, with exercises and visits by senior personnel to each other’s countries...
The issue of class sizes has been part of a wider debate on education for a long time now. While changing class sizes cannot possibly solve all the problems with our education system, and while it should not distract us from other problems entrenched within the system, it is...
What is the relevance of Labour Day today? The concept of labour is undergoing a radical shift. Industry 4.0 and rapid technological advances are overturning established industries and disrupting the workplace. The future is unfurling at breakneck speed. It is critical that we support the workers of today and tomorrow...
The Workers’ Party (WP) held its first Central Executive Committee (CEC) meeting on 12 April 2018 following the election of the CEC on 8 April 2018. The office bearers of the Workers’ Party elected for the term of 2018 to 2020 are as follows: Chair: Ms Sylvia Lim Swee Lian Vice-Chair: Mr Muhamad Faisal...
The Workers’ Party held its Conference of Organisers on 8 April 2018. The Organising Members elected the following as Party Chair and Secretary-General: Chair: Ms Sylvia Lim Swee Lian (林瑞莲), 53 Secretary-General: Mr Pritam Singh (毕丹星), 42 The following 12 members were elected to the Central Executive Committee (CEC): Mr Chen Show Mao (陈硕茂),...
13thParliament, chen show mao, Committee of Supply 2018, News, Parliament2018, png eng huat, pritam singh, sylvia lim(Delivered in Parliament on 7 March 2018) Eldercare Leave - Chen Show Mao On the subject of eldercare leave for employees caring for their parents, the Minister announced last month that the Ministry is prepared to study the idea in consultation with the tripartite partners, though we should also give businesses...
The Workers’ Party MPs voted “no” to the motion that Parliament “approves the financial policy of the Government for the financial year 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019” for the sole reason that WP is unable to support the announcement of a GST hike from 7% to 9%...
By Pritam Singh, MP Aljunied GRC The 30% water price hike announced during the Government’s presentation of Budget 2017 was met with a wide range of reactions by Singaporeans, ranging from bewilderment to resignation. Already reeling from a series of price increase announcements from the end of December 2016 including...
Oleh Pritam Singh, Anggota Parlimen GRC Aljunied Berita kenaikan harga air sebanyak 30% yang diumumkan oleh pemerintah semasa pembentangan Belanjawan 2017 disambut dengan pelbagai reaksi oleh warga Singapura, ini termasuk kebingungan dan perletakan jawatan. Kita menyaksikan beberapa pengumuman mengenai kenaikan harga-harga bermula dari akhir Disember 2016, kenaikan yuran tempat meletak...
毕丹星 (阿裕尼集选区议员) 政府在2017年的财政预算案宣布水价调高30%,引起民众广泛关注,令许多国人措手不及,困惑不解,有的无奈。一般市井小民也只好无奈地逆来顺受。自2016年12月底以来,各种费用不断上调,这包括组屋停车费、电费以及杂费,此番水价又分两年大幅度上调,如同晴天霹雳,令许多国人措手不及。 在财政部长发表财政预算案声明后,一名行动党议员向媒体发表意见说,“我认为水价调高只是为了要提高民众对水的重要性的意识。” 对许多普通国人而言,这名议员的说法与现实脱节,简直把新加坡人当白痴。我们在售卖铁锤报的活动时与一般市民的交谈发现,普罗大众对水费涨价的看法截然不同。 反应是:“唉呀,人民行动党敢这样做就是因为他们在上届大选拿到了70% 的选票!没必要征询意见,也不用解释那么多喽!” 在2015年8月17日,当时的环境及水源部长的维文医生在国会说:“目前没有必要调整(水价)”。当时距离2015年大选不到一个月,这样的言论有至关重要的意义。当时维文部长还指出,水资源匮乏不是关键问题,真正应该关注的是能源价格和生产水的成本。 两年后的今天,新加坡人想知道,既然行动党的环境及水源部长部长在2015年说能源价格和生产水的成本才是关键,哪为什么却在今年经济放缓的情况下调高水价?难道能源价格突然间暴涨了30% 吗? 人们希望政府能够解释水价必须上调30% 的原因,也担心咖啡、茶等饮料和食品会因为水价调高而产生连锁反应也跟着上涨。可是政府非但没有对此提出合理的解释,反而顾左右而言他,紧抱着缺乏水源的问题喋喋不休。他们忘了,环境及水源部长在2015年就已经将水源问题定位,与能源价格和能源安全问题挂钩。这是前后矛盾! 总理公署部长陈振声在国会就2017年财政预算案水价问题进行辩论时表示,这个问题其实是“大家是否认同水对我国的存亡至关重要?我们是否应该为其合理定价?” 然而,人民期望政府回答的不仅仅只是这些基本问题。人们想知道的是政府依据什么机制来制定水价?根据什么来计算出合理的水价?大家都知道,处理和生产食用水的科技日新月异,不断改进,理应可以节省生产成本才对,为什么反而需要大幅度调高水价? 2017年财政预算案辩论期间,工人党议员针对政府大幅度调高水价所持的理由向部长提出了一系列有关的问题。以下是工人党议员在国会发言询问的摘录: 林瑞莲议员 林瑞莲(阿裕尼):昨天,环境及水源部长就调高水价提出了各种理由。但增加生产成本、增建海水淡化厂等这些原因都长期存在,并非突然出现的问题。 过去17年来水价并未波动,难道政府在2017年以前都未曾想过需要调整水价吗?然而,政府却能够提前两年公布将于2019年实行碳税政策。提前公布调高价格可以让企业和消费者做好准备,有助于他们制定节源战略、投资节能措施等。 调高水价的决定眼看就快要在今年7月实施,政府为何不能在2015年7月提前两年宣布,好让人民先做好准备呢?或许,那是因为2015年7月不适宜宣布这类决定吧!(编者按:难道因为那是大选年?) 方荣发议员 方荣发(后港):政府可不可以向人民公开自2000年起由于供水造成的财政损失有多大?以至因此而需要大幅度调高水价? 马善高部长在答复我的国会询问时指出,目前全国平均水耗相比10年前下降了约11%。过去十年中,用水量超过当前全国平均水平的家庭数量一直保持在40%,相对稳定。再看看我国的人均用水量,新加坡比伦敦、墨尔本、东京、香港和纽约低5%到70%左右。 这些数据说明了什么?说明了新加坡人已经认识到水资源匮乏,一直在想方设法保护宝贵的水资源。部长先生也对此表示认同,并提醒国人切勿自满,要尽量节约用水。这一点新加坡人在过去做到了,我相信在未来我们也能做到。(编者按:那为什么还要调高水价?) 陈立峰议员 陈立峰(非选区):……令我感到纳闷的是。财政部长在预算案中说,自来水关系到国民生存的问题,我们给水费定的价格,是要反映海水淡化和新生水的较高生产成本。我的疑问是,我国已经有海水淡化厂和新生水厂相当长的一段时期了。近年来,水库,海水淡化厂和马来西亚的水供等水源问题都已经获得更好的处理,新加坡在水供方面也有更多选择了,为什么现在突然间出现了更高成本的问题呢?为什么过去几年这些都不是问题呢? 毕丹星议员与马善高部长 毕丹星(阿裕尼):……我想问部长的是,公用事业局(PUB)是如何判断什么时候应该上调水价的?因为跟据PUB年报数据,除去政府补助以及综合基金和税收,PUB 2013至2015年期间的净收入实际上高于2010至2012年,分别为5.5亿新元和3.39亿新元…… 马善高部长回答:感谢议员提出这些问题。PUB发表的报告,我很难简单地解释那些数据代表什么。报告中的数据是应计收益,而我们财政预算是指实际收益,我们必须进行调整。我会请财政部长阅览政府资助水基础设施的整体方案。我想这样才有意义。因为有些地方由政府资助,有些地方由PUB出资,如果分开来看每份报告,并非简单地进行总数相加……今天我们提出调高水价,水价是长期边际成本(LRMC),即生产下一滴水的费用。而由于各种原因,我们将来的每一滴用水都将来自海水淡化以及新生水(NEWater)项目,这已计算在水价内。但问题不在价格,而在于我们应该做什么,能做什么来预防这种情况的发生。如果发生,那就不仅仅是供水问题,而是我们会面对一个非常复杂的境况。(编者按:部长如此回答,令人听到满头雾水。) 工人党议员提出的一系列问题主要围绕着政府这一次调高水价30% 的理由是什么,是否评估了调高水价对民众所造成的影响。因为我们必须时刻铭记在心,水是重要的公共资源,也是日常生活的必需品;水价上调30% 会牵一髪而动全身,势必增加一般市井小民的生活成本,对所有国人造成影响。 总理公署部长陈振声在总结发言时强调,一个有责任感的政府不会打乱市场,会适当定价,而不是肆意发放津贴,让未来子孙承担后果。这是离题。当前的问题很简单,就是请有责任感的政府解释一下它如何制定水价。 遗憾的是,政府并没有试图向工人党议员或新加坡人详细解释它制定水价的机制和依据是什么。李显龙总理在预算案辩论结束后,承认政府在调高水费30%之前,应该事先向国人说明原由。难道总理忘了,国会不就是政府向人民解释政策的最佳平台吗?
எழுத்து ப்ரிட்டம் சிங், அல்ஜூனிட் குழுத்தொகுதி நாடாளுமன்ற உறுப்பினர் தண்ணீர்க் கட்டணம் 30% உயர்த்தப்படுவதாக 2017-ம் ஆண்டின் வரவுசெலவுத் திட்டத்தை வெளியிட்டபோது அரசாங்கம் அறிவித்தது. இச்செய்தியால் திகைப்பு முதல் மனவேதனை வரை பலதரப்பட்ட உணர்வுகளுக்குச் சிங்கப்பூரர்கள் உள்ளாயினர். வீவக கார் நிறுத்துமிடக் கட்டண உயர்வு, மின்சாரக் கட்டண உயர்வு, சேவைப் பராமரிப்புக் கட்டண உயர்வு உட்பட 2016 டிசம்பர் கடைசியிலிருந்து அடுத்தடுத்து விலை உயர்வு அறிவிப்புகளைக் கேட்டுத் தவிப்படைந்த சிங்கப்பூரர்கள்...
For most Singaporeans, our Housing and Development Board (HDB) home represents the single biggest asset we own. Not only is it an integral part of our Singapore story, but also of our Singaporean way of life. A way of life where the norm is to go through a cookie-cutter...
The Workers’ Party is disturbed to learn about the MRT train collision this morning which saw 23 commuters and two SMRT staff injured, including at least two with major injuries. Our thoughts and prayers are with the injured. We call on SMRT to render all necessary support to them, and...
Many millennials in Singapore grew up with their parents having an expectation of them to obtain a university degree and then secure a cushy, stable job. However, given the changing economy and tightening labour market today, fewer university graduates in Singapore have been able to secure permanent full-time jobs...
We have received the Statement of Claim from Pasir Ris-Punggol Town Council. Our lawyers are reviewing the document. We will issue a statement after discussing the matter with them. Low Thia Khiang Sylvia Lim Pritam Singh
1. On 15 August 2017, our solicitors, M/S Tan Rajah & Cheah, filed and served our joint Defence in Suit No. HC/S 668/2017 (the “Suit”). 2. In the Suit, it has been alleged, amongst other things, that Ms Sylvia Lim and Mr Low Thia Khiang caused AHTC to enter into...
1. We confirm that we have received the Statement of Claim filed by the Aljunied-Hougang Town Council against us individually. 2. We have engaged M/s Tan Rajah and Cheah to defend the claim for the 1st to 5th Defendants. 3. In the suit against us, amongst other things, it is alleged...
We refer to the Ministry of Law's reply on 22 January 2017 to our press statement on the Protection from Harassment Act. The Ministry of Law stated that it does not intend to amend the POHA to protect itself from harassment. We welcome this statement. However the Ministry has not stated if it...
The Workers’ Party welcomes the recent decision by the Court of Appeal in Attorney-General v Ting Choon Meng that government agencies such as MINDEF do not fall under the legal definition of “persons” under Section 15 of the Protection from Harassment Act (POHA). However, we are concerned by the Ministry...
The press has asked The Workers' Party to comment on what Minister Shanmugam has said with regards to the AMKTC corruption case and the AHTC governance issue. Since CPIB is investigating the AMKTC case, we should let due process take its course and not jump to conclusions. When the July 2016...
In early 2015, we opened up the the Workers’ Party HQ at Syed Alwi Road for filmmaker Sun Koh to shoot for the Singapore Memory Project. Sun’s mother, Mdm Chen, used to live at the premises. We took the opportunity to do a short interview with Mdm Chen to...
The Workers’ Party commemorates the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. It is a day to reflect on the achievements of the community in overcoming barriers. It is also a day to remind ourselves of the incredible spirit of the families, caregivers and VWOs who have worked tirelessly for the...
Deepavali, or the Festival of Lights, is an important day for Hindus, Sikhs and Jains in Singapore. It is a day of feasting as families welcome visitors into their households, never without a delectable spread of festive goodies to enjoy. Apart from savoury favourites like Murukku, Indian sweetmeats are...
The Workers’ Party notes with concern the applications from Singapore Pools and Singapore Turf Club (STC) to launch online betting services. There are no lack of legal gambling venues in Singapore, including the two casinos and hundreds of outlets accepting bets for Singapore Pools and STC. When the government decided to clamp down on remote gambling in 2014, it...
The Workers’ Party would like to congratulate our paralympians Yip Pin Xiu and Theresa Goh for clinching Singapore’s first gold medal and a bronze medal at the Rio Paralympic Games. Ms. Yip broke her own world record by more than two seconds. Our paralympians deserve the same respect and value...
The Workers' Party notes with concern the confirmation of 41 cases of locally transmitted Zika virus infection. We express our solidarity with all persons affected by the Zika virus and we wish all patients a speedy recovery. Prompt public notification of Zika cases is important so that members of the...
The Workers’ Party believes that Parliament has an important role to play in scrutinising and improving laws in their draft form. This process is key to a functioning parliamentary democracy. We are glad to have had the opportunity to debate the Administration of Justice (Protection) Bill in some detail, and...
Although our urban landscape is ever-changing, along the way, we find that the spaces we live, play and work in help shape our identity as Singaporeans. As we celebrate 51 years of Independence, here's a look at a few of the places we're already missing this National Day. 1. ROCHOR...
The Auditor-General’s Office (AGO) has highlighted multiple lapses in public sector spending and governance totalling tens of millions of dollars. The Workers’ Party (WP) believes these are matters of grave public concern and should be adequately addressed by the Government. Of particular concern are recurring lapses taking place under...
Food, glorious food, is definitely a quintessential part of the Singaporean DNA. We Singaporeans love our food and many of us will travel from one end of the island to another for the best Roti Prata or the most scrumptious Nasi Lemak. We embarked on a food trail in heritage-rich...
Workers' Party Media Statement on the new MRT Rail Financing Framework and Buyout of SMRT by TemasekThe Workers' Party views the new rail financing framework for SMRT as a step in the right direction. It is a long overdue corrective to a major policy mistake. This move corrects the mistaken course taken by the government in the year 2000 when MRT operations were privatised, which created...
The Workers’ Party is very concerned with the revelation of manufacturing defects in some of the trains used by the MRT, leading to 26 of these trains being shipped back to China for repair or replacement. Major issues affecting our public transport system should be discussed publicly. Five of The...
In modern day Singapore, on the occasion of Hari Raya, we often see our Malay friends decked out in colourful traditional outfits, visiting relatives amidst much feasting. But how was Hari Raya celebrated in the past, when Malay kampongs were numerous and found in many parts of the...
The Workers' Party expresses our condolences to the people and guests of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Yemen who have all recently been affected by the horror of terrorism. The recent escalation of these unacceptable hate crimes are an affront to our common humanity, regardless of...
The Workers’ Party wishes all Singaporeans, NSmen and active service men and women a very happy SAF Day. Although Singaporeans may hold different political perspectives out of uniform, SAF Day is a solemn reminder of our commitment to defend the sovereignty of Singapore and the Constitution as one united...
Craving for a few festive bites, yet tired of jostling with the crowd at the Geylang Serai Ramadan Bazaar? Head further east for the Tampines Ramadan Bazaar, and refer to our tips on how to navigate the bazaar like a champ. You are in for a visual and gastronomical...
Brexit is not only about the United Kingdom and the European Union. It is a sobering reminder about the shortcomings and limits of globalisation, the scale of immigration, how quickly the poison of racism and xenophobia can shape the public discourse, the perceptions and prospects of locals losing good...
The Workers’ Party (WP) held its first Central Executive Council (CEC) meeting on 7 June 2016 following the election of the CEC on 29 May 2016. The office bearers of the Workers’ Party elected for the term of 2016 to 2018 are as follows: Chairman: Ms Sylvia Lim Swee Lian Vice-Chairman: Mr Muhamad...
The Workers’ Party is concerned about the manner in which the current investigations into alleged violations of “Cooling Off Day” regulations are reportedly being conducted. We understand from the public record that other individuals or entities who were reported for similar violations in the past were not known to have...
The Workers’ Party held its Conference of Organisers on 29 May 2016. The Organising Members elected the following as Party Chairman and Secretary-General: Chairman: Ms Sylvia Lim Swee Lian (林瑞莲), 51 Secretary-General: Mr Low Thia Khiang (刘程强), 59 The following 12 members were elected to the Central Executive Council (CEC): Mr Chen Show Mao...
For many Singaporeans, what goes on in Parliament can be a bit perplexing at times. With our jobs, studies and family keeping us busy, we might have precious little time to spare pondering over Parliamentary affairs. Nevertheless, it is worth understanding what goes on in Parliament, as its debates and...
On 21 March 2016, the Workers' Party (WP) set out its position on the office of the Elected President (EP) and the current review. In its submission to the Constitutional Commission Secretariat, WP reiterated the call to abolish the office of the EP, which has been the party's position on the...
The Workers' Party offers our deepest condolences to the families and friends of the two SMRT maintenance workers, Nasrulhudin Najumudin and Muhammad Asyraf Ahmad Buhari, who passed away in an accident earlier today. We are greatly saddened that the two workers had died in the line of duty. This accident tragically...
This Chinese New Year, we chatted up a pioneer generation Singaporean, an overseas graduate and a non-Chinese Singaporean on how they’ll be ushering in the Year of the Monkey. Cooking up a big CNY lunch to feed 30 66 year-old Mdm Diana Khoo certainly looks energetic for her age as...
Abrand new year in the Chinese lunar calendar is upon us. As we usher in the Year of the Monkey with merrymaking and lots of good food, here are a few tips to help you tide through the busy celebratory days ahead. 1. For the hosts with the most to...
The Workers' Party filed a Parliamentary motion on 15 January 2016 to have the Non-Constituency Member of Parliament seat offered to Ms Lee Li Lian be declared vacant and for Associate Professor Daniel Goh Pei Siong to take up the seat. The motion was filed by Mr Low Thia Khiang,...
The Workers' Party strongly condemns the deadly bomb attacks in Jakarta earlier today. We hope the perpetrators will be brought to justice soon and fully support the Singapore government's assistance to the Indonesian government. We would like to express our deepest condolences to the victims and their families, and to the...
Planting a Greener Aljunied-Hougang Town On a sunny Boxing Day morning, Workers’ Party parliamentarians were seen “working the ground”, literally, at a park in Aljunied-Hougang Town. On 26 December 2015, Aljunied GRC MPs, Sylvia Lim, Chen Show Mao and Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap, together with NCMPs Leon Perera and Dennis Tan,...
A Season of Goodwill - Paying It Forward this Christmas with the Workers' Party In this season of goodwill, the Workers’ Party celebrated Christmas with residents by giving back to the community. We bring you insights on the Hougang Constituency Education Trust (HCET) award ceremony and the WP Youth Wing’s Festive...
- "Sleepers were designed to be replaced 15 to 25 years after the start of operations. If you count from 1987, which was when the MRT started, 15 years would be 2002, 25 years would be 2012. Sleepers are not expected to be completely replaced until the end of 2016. That...
The Workers' Party calls on the government to do the following: 1. To ensure a proper rail assets renewal schedule is in place, to replace ageing rail assets before their end-of-life. 2. To introduce KPIs on the progress of maintenance and renewal of rail assets. 3. To update the public on the...
David Marshall and the Dawn of Meet-the-People Sessions in Singapore The ties between the founder of the Workers' Party - David Marshall - and Meet-the-People Sessions (MPS) in Singapore are inextricably linked. On the 20th anniversary of his passing, we look back on how the MPS came to be, and how...
Christmas is a season of giving, and a time to share joy and happiness. Here are 10 ways you can pay it forward to spread some Yuletide cheer this holiday season. 1. Support a local children’s home This holiday season, do consider reaching out to those who live within our midst...
We thank the Review Committee for their hard work in producing a detailed and professional report. The report identifies gaps in the infection control procedures for Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) at SGH, as well as in the national system for notification, escalation and response. For example: blood specks infected with Hepatitis C...
With Deepavali celebrations in Aljunied GRC just over and with preparations underway in Hougang SMC, we caught up with MP-elect Pritam Singh and WP grassroots activist Misra Ramakant to learn more about how they celebrate the Festival of Lights. Pritam Singh MP-elect (Aljunied GRC) Do you celebrate Deepavali? Pritam: Yes I do, but...
The Workers' Party strongly condemns the heinous terrorist attacks in Paris, France last night. We stand in agreement with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong that this is an attack on our shared humanity. We would like to express our deepest condolences to the victims and their families, and to the people...
10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Deepavali The Workers’ Party wishes all Hindus a Happy Deepavali and many good returns! Deepavali, or Diwali as the Northern Indians call it, is also known as the Festival of Lights. This festival is celebrated by Hindus in Singapore. Marking the victory of good...
Today is the 58th anniversary of the inauguration of the Worker's Party (WP). The WP was inaugurated on 3 November 1957 with the founding principles of merdeka (independence), parliamentary democracy, and socialism. Let's celebrate this joyous occasion by reflecting on these words of wisdom by the party's first chaiman, Singapore's...
"We do not feel that it is necessary or helpful to have a two-step process. We have had Committees of Inquiry in the past, for example the Little India riots and the MRT breakdowns and other previous committees where we have not had a non-COI committee to investigate and...
The Workers’ Party welcomes the signing of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) on October 19, 2015 and its expected ratification in 2017. The Workers’ Party strongly believes in the aspirations laid out in the National Pledge, and Singaporeans should continually better...
We thank the MOH for its latest reply on this issue. All Singaporeans have a stake in an effective healthcare system. Everyone should feel confident that the risk of serious infection in our public healthcare facilities is at an absolute minimum. We note that both MOH statements on Sunday 25...
I would like to respond to the MOH reply to our earlier press statement today. We thank the MOH for their reply to our statement calling for a COI on the Hep C infection cluster at SGH. The last sentence of the MOH statement refers to "whatever allegations it (the Workers'...
THE WORKERS’ PARTY CALLS FOR A COMMITTEE OF INQUIRY ON THE HEPATITIS C CLUSTER AT SGH The Workers’ Party welcomes the broadening of the remit of the independent review committee to include review of MOH’s procedures and actions. Drawing the right lessons from the outbreak of the Hepatitis C virus infections...
The Workers’ Party extends its deepest condolences to the affected families and friends of the four patients who passed away since the outbreak of the Hepatitis C virus infections at the renal ward of the Singapore General Hospital (SGH) that affected 22 patients. It was reported SGH had been aware...
The Workers’ Party has inducted three new members into its Central Executive Council (CEC). They are Mr Mohamed Fairoz Shariff, 36; Mr Foo Seck Guan, Kenneth, 38; and Mr Leon Perera, 45. This decision was made at the monthly meeting of the CEC on 6 October 2015, pursuant to Article...
The Workers’ Party’s Central Executive Council (CEC) met on 15 September 2015 to discuss the Non-constituency Member of Parliament (NCMP) seats offered to our candidates for General Election 2015. As six Workers’ Party candidates have been elected to Parliament in General Election 2015, the law allows for the three candidates...
Assemble with us as we await the polling results! Hougang Stadium 100 Hougang Ave 2 8pm Friday, 11 September Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show your support for the Workers' Party!
It has also come to our attention that the PAP has been circulating a flyer stating that the sinking fund of $22.5 million which was transferred to Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council (AHPETC) is "now unaccounted for". The statement is incorrect and a malicious attempt at discrediting the Workers' Party. The...
We refer to Mr Charles Chong’s press release dated 9 September 2015, where he accused the Workers’ Party of misquoting him on the issue of the $1m surplus in Punggol East’s funds. We attach a copy of the Lianhe Zaobao article dated 28 August 2015, which Mr Low Thia Khiang...
Rally for East Coast GRC & Fengshan SMC! Bedok Stadium 1 Bedok North Street 2 7pm-10pm Wednesday, 9th Sept Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support for the final Workers' Party Rally this GE2015!
Download the Punggol East SMC Financial Statements for the Financial Period 01 April 2013 to 31 April 2013 here.
On 6 September 2015, Dr Ng Eng Hen said that the PAP would issue a “definitive clarification” in response to WP’s question posed at the rally on 5 September 2015. To date, we have not received any clarification. We wish to put on record the following matters. On 28...
Rally for Aljunied GRC Serangoon Stadium 33 Yio Chu Kang Rd 7pm-10pm Tuesday, 8th Sept Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support!
Rally for Marine Parade GRC and MacPherson SMC Field opposite Blk 344 Ubi Ave 1 7pm-10pm Monday, 7th Sep Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support!
Rally for East Coast GRC and Fengshan SMC Field in front of Blk 155 Simei Road 7pm-10pm Sunday, 6th Sep Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support!
Rally for Punggol East SMC and Sengkang West SMC! Field in front of Blk 128C Punggol Field Walk 7pm-10pm Saturday, 5th Sep Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support!
ICYMI: Daniel Goh delivered the Workers' Party's first political broadcast last evening. "Your vote is a signal to the ruling party that it cannot do what it wants without taking you seriously." #wpsg #GE2015 #EmpowerYourFuture
Rally with us in Nee Soon GRC! Yishun Stadium 103 Yishun Ave 1 7pm-10pm Friday, 4th Sep Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support!
Rally with us in Jalan Besar GRC! Field in front of Blk 4 Boon Keng Road 7pm-10pm Thursday, 3rd Sep Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support!
Rally with us in Hougang SMC! Field in front of Blk 837 Hougang Central 7pm-10pm Wednesday, 2nd Sep Come down with your flags and umbrellas to show us your support!
It’s Nomination Day tomorrow! If you’d like to show your support to our candidates, don a blue shirt and head down to the following locations by 11am to cheer them on. Aljunied GRC and Sengkang West SMC Raffles Institution Albert Hong Hall Raffles Institution Lane Singapore 575954 East Coast GRC, Fengshan SMC and Punggol East...
THE YEAR IN PERSPECTIVE It is with satisfaction that Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council (AHPETC) presents this annual report enclosing its audited accounts for Financial Year (FY) 2014/15. This report is significant for several reasons. First, the audited financial statements for the year are filed on time, and less than two months...
SECOND OPEN LETTER TO RESIDENTS OF ALJUNIED-HOUGANG-PUNGGOL EAST TOWN Dear Residents, In my First Open Letter to you in June 2015, I explained three main points concerning various allegations made against Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council (AHPETC). These were: 1. AHPETC does not and cannot reserve contracts for “friends” due to the public...
RESPONSE TO MND’S LETTER ON FMSS’ ACCOUNTS 29 August 2015 To: Mr Han Kok Juan Senior Director (Housing) Ministry of National Development Dear Mr Han, FMSS’ ACCOUNTS We refer to your letter, received today. We are appalled at the series of careless accusations made by your Ministry against Aljunied Hougang Punggol East Town Council (AHPETC). It is...
The WP News App is a platform for WP members, volunteers, supporters and all Singaporeans to conveniently keep updated about the latest news about WP. Key features: - Read the latest news stories from WP, including press statements, MPs' and election candidates' speeches, feature stories and more. - Share news stories with...
The Workers' Party kicked off its campaign by introducing four new candidates, Dylan Ng Foo Eng, Koh Choong Yong, Daniel Goh Pei Siong, and Redzwan Hafidz Abdul Razak. Find out more about them in our Candidates page.
"DPM Tharman Shanmugaratnam claimed that even if the operating grant withheld by the Ministry of National Development (MND) for FY 14/15 is paid in its entirety into AHPETC’s Sinking Funds, it would not be sufficient to comply with AHPETC’s sinking fund obligations for the financial year. This is incorrect. Despite the...
"While all the MPs will be assisting all the candidates in the areas that we've announced, the Aljunied GRC team will remain intact to contest the coming GE. It is meaningful for us to remain as a team to seek their mandate for the next term. All the elected MPs...
The Workers’ Party (WP) thanks the National Solidarity Party for announcing its decision not to contest in MacPherson SMC and Marine Parade GRC early. WP will continue to focus on its preparations and campaign on the 10 constituencies announced. Sylvia Lim Chairman, The Workers’ Party 10 August 2015
Secretary General of The Workers' Party Mr Low Thia Khiang addresses the media today, and indicated the party's interest in contesting in Marine Parade GRC, MacPherson SMC, as well as the areas WP has contested before. "As a matter of principle, The Workers' Party will contest where we have contested...
The Workers’ Party is deeply worried over the 3.5 hour disruption of train services along the entire stretch of both the North-South and East-West MRT lines on 7 July 2015. The severe inconvenience caused to an estimated quarter-of-a-million commuters during the evening rush hour makes this the most serious...
The Workers’ Party (WP) held its first Central Executive Council (CEC) meeting on 5 August 2014 following the election of the CEC on 27 July 2014. The office bearers of the Workers’ Party elected for the term of 2014 to 2016 are as follows: Chairman: Ms Sylvia Lim Swee Lian Vice-Chairman: Mr...
The Workers’ Party held its Conference of Organisers on 27 July 2014 at the Party Headquarters on Syed Alwi Road. The Organising Members elected the following as Party Chairman and Secretary-General: Chairman: Ms Sylvia Lim Swee Lian (林瑞莲), 49 Secretary-General: Mr Low Thia Khiang (刘程强), 57 The following 12 members were elected to the Central Executive Council...
The Workers’ Party welcomes the MediShield Life Review Committee’s recommendations on MediShield Life. Many of the recommended enhancements to the MediShield health insurance scheme have been articulated by Workers’ Party MPs in Parliament as well as by many Singaporeans over the years. These include adjusting co-payments and claim limits...
LABOUR Day is the day we honour the hardworking men and women who provide for our families and power the wheels of our economy. Singapore has one of the most competitive and skilled workforces in the world. The progress of our economy and our nation has been built on...
The Workers’ Party (WP) welcomes the new and enhanced concession schemes to make public transport more affordable for people with disabilities, senior citizens, low-wage workers, students and full-time national servicemen. These groups will finally enjoy some overdue relief for their travel needs, for which the public and the WP...
The Workers’ Party wishes a speedy recovery to the Home Team officers and other victims who were injured during the riot in Little India on Sunday 8 December 2013, and we extend our condolences to the family of the deceased traffic accident victim, Mr Sakthivel Kumaravelu. We believe that the...
WP is committed to the ideal of a multi-racial and multi-cultural Singapore where citizens of all faiths and races have the right to practice their religion as fully as possible in harmony with all the communities. We value diversity in unity, and believe that the understanding and embracing of...
During the debate in Parliament on Town Councils on 13 May 2013, National Development Minister Khaw Boon Wan made several remarks about the Workers’ Party (WP), Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East Town Council (AHPETC) and AHPETC’s managing agent (MA), FM Solutions and Services Pte Ltd (FMSS). Ms Sylvia Lim (Chairman of the WP...
16 May 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TOWN COUNCIL MANAGEMENT – WHAT IS REALLY AT STAKE During the debate in Parliament on Town Councils on 13 May 2013, Parliament discussed the controversial sale of the Town Council Management System (TCMS) to Action Information Management Pte Ltd (AIM), a company wholly-owned by the PAP,...
Every year, Labour Day serves to remind us that the economic progress we have achieved as a nation would not have been possible without our workers’ immense contributions and sacrifices. Today, we pay a special tribute to our Singaporean workers, who are well-regarded around the world for their hard...
For the last one week, Parliament debated the motion to endorse the Government’s White Paper on Population entitled “A Sustainable Population for a Dynamic Singapore”. The Workers’ Party MPs voted against the Amended Motion in Parliament today. Although the Amended Motion captures some of the Workers’ Party’s concerns about the...
INTRODUCTION OF CANDIDATE FOR PUNGGOL EAST BY-ELECTION 2012 Thank you for coming. Today it’s my pleasure to introduce WP’s candidate for Punggol East. She actually requires little introduction to the Punggol East residents, as she contested there as our candidate in GE 2011. Lee Li Lian grew up in Lorong Lew Lian and...
My name is Lee Li Lian. I’m the eldest of three daughters and I grew up in a HDB 3 room flat in Lor Lew Lian. I’m happily married to a Telecommunications Consultant. In the last GE2011, I was honoured to be chosen as the candidate for Punggol East SMC. It...
The Workers’ Party has noted the announcement today that the Speaker of Parliament, Mr Michael Palmer, has resigned from the People’s Action Party. By virtue of Article 46 of the Constitution, Mr Palmer’s Parliamentary seat for Punggol East Single Member Constituency (SMC) has become vacant. In order that the residents of...
The Workers’ Party is concerned about the Transport Minister’s suggestion on 6 December 2012 that bus fares may increase so as to improve the pay of bus drivers in Singapore. It is unfortunate that the Minister has made this statement so soon after the SMRT bus drivers’ strike over...
The Workers’ Party has been following with great concern the unfolding events surrounding the strike by SMRT bus drivers on 26-27 November 2012. As a result of the strike, some bus services were disrupted and commuters suffered inconveniences on our already-crowded public transport network. This is the first strike in...
The Workers’ Party strongly rejects the amateur film “Innocence of Muslims”, which was uploaded on the Internet and has caused much furore globally. We consider the film repulsive and deplorable, as it denigrates a religious faith. Such expressions of disrespect have no place in a multiracial and multi-religious society...
The Workers’ Party has expelled Yaw Shin Leong from the party with immediate effect. WP believes strongly in transparency and accountability, and expects no less from our party members, especially our Members of Parliament. Shin Leong has been accused of several indiscretions in his private life. By continuing not to account...
The Workers’ Party wishes to inform the public that at the monthly meeting of the Executive Council on Tuesday, 7 February 2012, the Council accepted the resignation of Yaw Shin Leong from the party leadership. Yaw Shin Leong will cease to be Treasurer of the Party with immediate effect. The...
1. The recommendations of the Committee to Review Ministerial Salaries (“the Committee”) are a step in the right direction towards grounding political leaders with a stronger sense of public service and mission. We hope that Ministers and Members of Parliament (MPs) will see political office primarily as a noble...
The Workers’ Party is deeply concerned about the frequency of MRT train service disruptions along the North-South and East-West (NS-EW) lines and the Circle Line, which are managed by SMRT Corporation (SMRT). We are particularly dismayed by the scale of the service disruption between Marina Bay and Braddell MRT...
The Workers’ Party notes the Malaysian government’s proposal to repeal the Internal Security Act (ISA). The Workers’ Party manifestos, including the 2011 election manifesto, proposed the abolition of the ISA in Singapore. This repeal would destroy the prospect of any government using the wide ranging powers therein to curtail its...
We welcome the decision by Peoples’ Association (PA) to lift the restriction imposed on permit applicants on who they can or cannot invite to functions at sites now controlled by the PA. The restriction had caused many Aljunied residents to feel torn and in an emotional dilemma. HDB and PA’s...
Background In 1991, when the Workers’ Party (WP) took over the management of the Hougang Town Council (HGTC), the first challenge it faced was to manage the common property in a fair and transparent manner by balancing the interests of all parties concerned. In response to complaints of noise pollution and...
This release seeks to enlighten the public about what transpired in the weeks after the May General Election, which has led to the current controversy about use of public spaces by residents of Aljunied GRC to organise events. Background Facts On 21 June 2011, the interim Secretary of Aljunied-Hougang Town Council...
The Workers’ Party is pleased to note that the Prime Minister has addressed several areas of concern to Singaporeans, namely housing, education, jobs, healthcare costs and social safety nets. The Prime Minister acknowledged that infrastructure programmes, especially in the areas of housing and public transport, could not keep up with...
Forty-six years is hardly a significant span of time. Yet in just this short period, Singapore has transformed from a young nation coping with the challenges of independence, to a developed economy and a vibrant metropolis. We can now marvel at our many accomplishments and accolades, and celebrate our...
We refer to the announcement by the Ministry of National Development (MND) on 27 May 2011, that the Housing and Development Board (HDB) would henceforth permit void decks to be rented out to elected Members of Parliament for use as MPs’ offices to conduct Meet-the-People sessions (MPS) at the...
Market failures in public transport These are simplistic and tired old arguments about the virtues of private enterprises which fail to fully appreciate the economic reality of the public transport industry in Singapore. Firstly, taxpayers who do not take public transport already contribute to the provision of public transport in the...
The Workers’ Party (WP) held its first Central Executive Council (CEC) meeting post-General Election 2011 on Tuesday 7 June 2011. At the meeting, newly elected Members of Parliament (MPs) for Aljunied GRC, Mr Chen Show Mao and Mr Pritam Singh, as well as Non-constituency MP, Mr Yee Jenn Jong, were...
24 April 2011 (Sunday) To ST Forum Editor The Workers’ Party (WP) does not see the need to model our ‘First World Parliament’ theme after any country (‘The inconvenient truth about WP’s campaign slogan’, Apr 23). The simple truth is a First World government cannot exist without a First World parliament to...
The Editor Straits Times Forum Dear Sir, I refer to Ms Indranee Rajah’s letter (‘WP’s fictional First World Parliament’, ST, 19 April). The Workers’ Party (WP) does not share Ms Rajah’s cynicism of democratic politics. The fact that WP’s vision of a First World Parliament does not model itself after any particular developed...
To the ST Forum Editor Chen Show Mao I refer to the letter by Dr Ng Eng Hen entitled “Writer’s query on Chen reasonable, says PAP” (19 April). Voters have every right to scrutinize candidates. However, Dr Ng must know that, even before Chen Show Mao has been formally introduced as a...
To ST Forum Editor, I refer to the letter by Ms Lee Hwai Jiin entitled `Full voting rights? Sure, get elected’ (ST April 16). My comments on the different voting rights between Non-Constituency Members of Parliament (NCMPs) and elected MPs were made precisely to highlight that the two offices are not...
Dear ST Forum Editor, First World Parliament I refer to the letter by Eugene Tan (ST 13 April) entitled: “UK, US? Give him a S’pore MP anyday”. In responding to the Workers’ Party’s (WP) campaign slogan “Vote Workers’ Party – Towards A First World Parliament”, the writer has misunderstood the term “First...
To: ST Forum Editor I refer to the letter by Benjamin Chow titled “About Chen: Time will tell”. Mr Chow has cast aspersions on Chen Show Mao, questioned his motives and concluded his letter with “only time will tell”. I agree that many things in life are proven by time. There is...
We refer to the remarks by Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong (SM Goh) as reported in the Straits Times today, 28 Feb 2011. In attempting to re-cast the boundary changes to Aljunied GRC as more disadvantageous to the ruling party than the opposition, he stated that opposition candidates “have no...