Public Sector Governance Bill – Speech by Faisal Manap

(Delivered in Parliament on 8 January 2018)

(in Malay and English)


Rang undang-undang Pentadbiran Sektor Awam ini bertujuan untuk melahirkan keselarasan dalam rangka kerja dan pengamalan badan-badan perkhidmatan awam. Saya menyokong rang undang-undang ini namun pada masa yang sama, saya ingin meminta dua penjelasan.

Pertama, saya ingin meminta keterangan lanjut dari menteri mengenai Bahagian Lima, bertajuk Pentadbiran Kewangan (Financial Administration) yang mengandungi klausa 33 hingga klausa 41. Menerusi pemahaman saya, klausa 33 menyatakan bahawa Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (MUIS) yang dikategorikan dalam Kumpulan 3A Badan Awam atau ‘Group 3A Public Bodies’, dikecualikan daripada klausa 34 hingga 41. Adakah pemahaman saya ini betul? Jika betul, boleh menteri berikan sebab-sebab diatas pengecualian ini.

My second clarification is regarding clause 11. My colleague, Ms. Sylvia Lim, earlier had touched on the Explanatory Note stating that the introduction of clause 11 was “to ensure that the public sector like the Singapore public service, not be politicized”.

It would be much appreciated if minister can define and elaborate more on the word “politicized” as stated in the Explanatory Notes and also to cite an example or two, so that members will have a clearer and better understandings on the phrase ‘not be politicized’.

Additionally, I will share 2 scenarios and would like to ask the minister to provide his views whether in these two scenarios the Public Service entity mentioned, has more or less been politicized.

First scenario, an individual who is a member of a political party, and who contested but defeated in the general election, who is now holding two designations at the same time, (i) a branch chairman of a political party and (ii) as an advisor to grassroots organisations, which is in fact a position appointed and endorsed by People’s Association (PA), a statutory body.

Second scenario, a grassroots adviser appointed by People Association, a statutory body, conducts house visits accompanied by staff of statutory boards such as Housing Development Board (HDB), inviting residents to attend his Meet-The-People Session (MPS) if residents requires him to appeal on their behalf. Nonetheless, the MPS Session is held in a political party branch office by the grassroots adviser, who writes referral or appeal letters using a political party letterhead and signs off as the branch chairman of a political party.

As such, I seek minister’s reply to whether People Association (PA), a statutory board which is a public service entity, is being politicized in the above mentioned scenarios.

Thank you Sir.