Keeping Healthcare Costs Manageable (Debate on MediShield Life Committee Report) – MP Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Muhamad Faisal Bin Abdul Manap
[Delivered in Parliament on 9 Jul 2014]

Mdm Speaker,
I am heartened to note that the Medishield Life Review Committee (MLRC) has taken positive steps in moving Singapore towards a more inclusive and caring society. I welcome the move to bring onboard the uninsured, including those with pre-existing conditions under the Medishield Life scheme. At the same time, the government would do well not to ignore the concerns expressed by many Singaporeans about the likely upward impact on the cost of their premium moving forward. Nonetheless, the recommendations made by the MLRC are steps in the right direction.

Mdm, in my speech today, I would focus on the management of healthcare inflation. As was rightly revealed in the report that was prepared by the committee, there were many feedback and suggestions that pertained specifically to the cost of healthcare in Singapore. As Singapore grapples with a rapidly aging population, the cost of healthcare threatens to spiral out of control, above and beyond the financial means of many Singaporeans. Cash payments for medical expenses constitute a major worry. Often, these are large sums of money that ordinary Singaporeans are unable to raise in a short period of time. Hence, healthcare becomes increasingly unaffordable to the ordinary person in the street. Quality healthcare is critical but it comes with a price, a price that many Singaporeans increasingly find difficult to meet. This was one of the major challenges that the committee seeks to address. At the same time, while many Singaporeans had welcomed the additional protection accorded to them by the Medishield Life scheme, they also highlighted their worries over escalating premium costs and ultimately the affordability of these premiums. We must bear these concerns in mind as inflationary healthcare costs, if poorly managed threaten to price many Singaporeans out from being able to afford their own premiums, undermining not only their access to quality medical treatment but also their retirement in old age. Thus, healthcare costs need to be properly managed and attuned in accordance to the needs of a rapidly changing population.

Mdm, traditional upstream measures such as health promotion exercises and educational outreaches where the emphasis is placed on prevention rather than cure and sustenance instead of deterioration continues to be put forth in the report. I like to put on record my support of the various upstream measures that the committee had proposed to the government for consideration. On this note, I would also like to acknowledge the good work done by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) on this front. This agency has been critical in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention and early detection of chronic illnesses. One such programme is the ‘I Quit’ programme. Based on my previous experience as a counsellor, I can attest to it being a well-tailored programme, with different strategies to motivate, facilitate and encourage the kicking of the habit of smoking.

Mdm, at this juncture, I would like to put forth two other suggestions for the government’s considerations that will directly benefit patients, especially those with pre-existing medical conditions. In this year’s budget speech, I had called upon the government to extend the Taxi subsidy scheme that was provided to the disabled to elderly Singaporeans, in particular those who are at present recipients of welfare assistance under the Medifund scheme. Today, I would like to reiterate this call and to further suggest that the Taxi subsidy scheme be extended to all beneficiaries under Medifund. Since I put forth the above suggestion during the last budget debate, I have come across and continue to encounter cases in Kaki Bukit where residents had refused to receive further medical treatment at hospitals as they did not have enough cash to pay for their travel expenses. By not receiving adequate medical care and treatment, it is likely that their pre-existing health condition(s) will deteriorate, resulting in complications which will require more extensive and complex medical attention. In the long term, this would possibly add more inflationary pressures on the cost of healthcare in Singapore.

Secondly, I would like to suggest that the government consider extending the coverage of Medifund to include the cost of purchasing medical test kits such as the blood pressure and glucose monitoring kits. As many members in this house would be aware, medical conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases need to be regularly monitored. The cost of such personal test kits should be the least of their concerns. Availability of such test kits will go a long way in assisting patients to monitor their conditions and take appropriate steps in preventing further deterioration of their pre-existing health condition(s). More importantly, it would encourage more Singaporeans to take ownership and personal responsibility of their own health.

Mdm, I hope that the government would regularly and continuously conduct reviews of Singapore’s healthcare costs. It is one of the core responsibilities of the government to ensure that every Singaporean, regardless of their financial circumstances can have affordable access to quality healthcare with a peace of mind.

Laporan yang dihasilkan oleh Jawatankuasa Semakan Medishield Hayat adalah satu lagi langkah yang positif kearah memupuk sebuah masyarakat Singapura yang lebih inklusif dan penyayang. Saya mengalu-alukan anjuran MLRC agar setiap warga Singapura termasuk mereka yang tidak mempunyai insuran sebelum ini dan yang berpenyakit sedia ada juga diberi perlindungi dibawah skim ini. Seperti warga Singapura yang lain, saya juga mengalu-alukan perlindungan tambahan yang disediakan oleh Skim Medishield Hayat.

Puan, dalam ucapan saya hari ini, saya ingin menyentuh tentang keadaan kesihatan bagi masyarakat Melayu-Islam. Menteri bertanggunjawab bagi Hal Ehwal Islam, Dr Yacob, telah mengatakan semasa debat Jawatankuasa Bekalan pada tahun ini bahawa satu cabaran yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat Melayu-Islam adalah isu kesihatan. Isu kesihatan ini juga mendapat perhatian dalam laporan Suara Musyawarah. Dilaporkan bahawa karyawan kesihatan Islam berpandangan, masih ramai anggota masyarakat Melayu-Islam yang tidak menyedari bahawa kesihatan jika tidak dipantau boleh menimbulkan komplikasi kesihatan dan penyakit-penyakit kronik, sekaligus menambah beban keatas mereka dan keluarga. Dikatakan juga bahawa masih ramai dari golongan masyarakat Melayu-Islam yang belum mengamalkan pilihan makanan sihat dan kurang melibatkan diri dalam kegiatan-kegiatan bercorak fizikal.

Puan, sememangnya ada banyak program-program yang dijalankan untuk menyebarkan mesej-mesej dan kesedaran tentang peri pentingnya penjagaan kesihatan. Kita dapat melihat masjid-masjid, bergabung dengan Lembaga Penggalak Kesihatan (HPB), giat menganjurkan aktiviti-aktiviti yang mempromosikan gaya hidup sihat dan penjagaan kesihatan. Selain masjid, badan-badan Melayu-Islam juga ada menerapkan nilai-nilai gaya hidup sihat dan penjagaan kesihatan didalam program-program mereka. Contoh, semasa saya bertugas dibidang Sosial, saya pernah mengendalikan sebuah program Mendaki, Nur Kasih, yang fokus kepada memperkasakan keluarga. Salah satu daripada modul yang diketengahkan adalah tentang Kesihatan. Mesej utama yang ingin disampaikan adalah kekukuhan sebuah keluarga samaada dari segi jalinan kekeluargaan dan kewangan boleh terjejas jika aspek kesihatan diabaikan. Usaha-usaha yang dilakukan oleh pelbagai entiti Melayu-Islam ini harus terus diadakan dan dipertingkatkan.

Puan, walaupun banyak usaha-usaha yang telah dilakukan namun isu kesihatan dikalangan masyarakat Melayu-Islam masih menjadi satu cabaran utama. Dalam laporan National Health Survey 2010, masyarakat Melayu berada ditahap tertinggi bagi penyakit tekanan darah tinggi dan kedua bagi kencing manis berbanding dengan masyarakat-masyarakat lain.

Saya percaya usaha-usaha yang sedia ada adalah baik namun melihat pada keadaan terkini, saya berpandangan peningkatan mungkin perlu di lakukan. Saya berpendapat bahawa usaha sebegini harus dilakukan di peringkat masyarakat. Saya ingin menyarankan agar perkara ini dibentangkan dan dibincangkan di platform Forum Pemimpin Masyarakat (CLF). Saya berharap Jawatankuasa Memandu CLF (Steering Committee) yang dipengerusikan oleh Menteri Dr Yacob dapat mengalakkan rakan-rakan dalam CLF bergabung tenaga dan berusaha menghasilkan perancangan atau pelan jangka masa panjang dalam menangani cabaran isu kesihatan Masyarakat Melayu Islam Singapura.

Puan ,
Saya yakin jika adanya perancangan jangka masa panjang yang baik serta implementasi yang efektif, isu kesihatan masyarakat Melayu-Islam akan beralih kearah situasi yang lebih positif. Apabila ini berlaku, ia akan menjadi satu sumbangan masyarakat Melayu-Islam kearah pengurusan inflasi pada kos penjagaan kesihatan Singapura yang lebih baik. Terima Kasih.