Debate on the Auditor-General’s Report on the Audit of AHPETC – MP Muhamad Faisal bin Abdul Manap

By MP for Aljunied GRC, Muhamad Faisal bin Abdul Manap
[Delivered in Parliament on 12 Feb 2015]

Mdm Speaker,

The Auditor-General in his report under Section 3, subsection 2d highlighted a lapse in internal controls with the possible effect of risking the loss of valuables and incurring unnecessary expenditure as well as wrong payments for goods and services. In my following speech, I would speak on existing measures that have already been set in place to ensure that public monies are spent and utilised in the most appropriate and cost effective manner. In doing so I would build upon the points realised and substantiated by my colleague, Ms. Sylvia Lim.

In AHPETC, we have in place several committees to look into the different operational aspects of the town council, one of which is known as the Estate and Community Liaison Committee (ECLC). Formed in 2012, this committee is made of a Chairman, elected town councillors and other members appointed by the elected councillors. This committee works closely with the estate teams in the town council made up of property managers and property officers. The key purpose of this committee is to advise on estate maintenance and improvements. This committee that I chair meets on a monthly basis.

With the above in mind, please allow me to run through the procedures that are in place to consider any ad-hoc or project based repairs and/ or improvements such as Repair and Re-docorations Works (R&R) and the Neighbourhood Renewal Programme (NRP). The estate team made up of property managers and property officers, after consultation with the relevant members of parliament will table proposals that pertains and relates to estate improvements at the monthly meeting. These proposals, divided in accordance to the respective wards/ divisions that they belong to, would be discussed and deliberated on before any approval is granted. The entire process entails a proper and detailed account of the problem at hand, the rationale behind the works, the cost involved and the various tenders obtained. Pertinent points of discussion often include whether a particular project, if necessary is cost-effective and benefits the most number of residents.

In the event that doubts arise, the ECLC Chairman, and the member of parliament of the affected ward, would conduct a site inspection together with the estate team involved. At times, the Chairman of the Town Council, Ms. Sylvia Lim, will also be present to advise and supervise the work. Thereafter, the matter will be further discussed at the next earliest ECLC meeting for an outcome.

In 2013, to further enhance the monitoring and scrutinisation process, another layer of check was put in place. The ECLC Chairman, the Town Council Chairman, and the divisional MP are required to attend Consultants meeting for all ad-hoc or project-based work. The proposals and the details of the proposals such as the use of materials, the quality of the workmanship, the cost effective nature of the project and the maintenance value of the finished project would be thoroughly deliberated, taking into consideration the maintenance expenses required over the long term. It is only after approval has been obtained at the Consultant meeting level would a particular item be proposed to the ECLC for consideration and deliberations.

There are indeed areas that the town council and elected councillors can further work on and improve upon. There should be greater safeguards that we can put in place to ensure greater accountability in the use of public monies. We have been honest in dealing with the lapses as highlighted in the Auditor-General’s report. And as I have illustrated above, at present, there is a rigorous process in scrutinising proposals so as to ensure we are prudent in our expenditure. The town council, together with the elected councillors, does not take the public trust for granted and we will continue to exercise prudence in managing AHPE Town and at the same time continue to serve our constituents to the best of our abilities.


Mdm, In Malay.


Parti pekerja menyokong usul yang diketengahkan.

Sebagai sebuah parti yang bertanggungjawab dan rasional kami memegang teguh kepada prinsip ketelusan dan kebertanggungjawapan dalam sesuatu perkara yang kami lakukan.

Selama audit dijalankan, yang memakan masa hampir setahun, kami telah memberi kerjasama dengan pejabat Auditor Negara dengan memberi segala dokumen dan informasi yang semampu dan sebaik mungkin, walaupun ada sesetengah dokumen menunjukkan kesilapan atau kelemahan. Ini semua dilakukan atas dasar prinsip ketelusan dan kebertanggungjawapan.

Usul itu menyatakan kebimbangan tentang beberapa aspek akaun dan sistem penyimpanan rekod majlis bandaran Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East. Kami AP-AP Aljunied, Hougang dan Punggol East amat prihatin tentang perkara-perkara yang diketengahkan. Kami ingin menyatakan bahawa sesetengah perkara yang dilaporkan telah ditangani dan diperbaiki. Manakala yang selebihnya masih sedang melalui proses pembaikan dan memerlukan masa yang lebih. Kami syorkan agar masyarakat umum merujuk kepada lampiran yang terdapat pada laporan pejabat Audit Negara tentang langkah-langkah yang telah diambil dan sedang dilakukan oleh majlis bandaran dalam menangani isu-isu ini.

Walaupun memakan masa sehampir setahun audit yang dijalankan, namun  Pejabat Auditor Negara tidak mengesan sebarang asas yang boleh menimbulkan syak wasangka tentang kemungkinan adanya penyelewengan atau kehilangan dana. Walaupun ada kelemahan-kelemahan seperti yang dikatakan namun kepentingan penduduk tidak terjejas.

Akhirkata, Saya dan rakan-rakan AP saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih seikhlas hati kepada penduduk-penduduk Aljunied-Hougang-Punggol East khususnya dan masyarakat Singapura amnya terhadap keprihatinan dan sokongan mereka dalam isu ini. Dengan kepercayaan yang telah diberikan kepada kami, walaupun harus mengharungi cabaran demi cabaran  kami AP-AP Parti Pekerja akan berkhidmat semampu dan sebaik yang mungkin untuk memenuhi keperluan penduduk-penduduk kami.

Terima Kasih Puan.