Norman Tiong

Norman Tiong

“Even the MPs move tables and chairs, no one receives special treatment.”

Why Workers’ Party?

I witnessed the drive of members and volunteers who were helping out during the last elections in 2011. I saw for myself a group of dedicated Singaporeans who were committed to making Singapore a better place for all. I also enjoyed the camaraderie of the team. As I began to know the Party on a more personal level, I realize that WP’s views and visions are aligned with that of my own, and so I resigned from being a ‘keyboard warrior’ and joined in the fray. I have never looked back since!

I understand that you have two young children. What is the one thing that worries you the most?

Their education. I am worried that my children would be conditioned to place their focus solely on achieving stellar examination results rather than understanding the need to attain lifelong skills and knowledge that will be beneficial to their personal and career development in the long run.


What have you learnt as a member of the Workers’ Party?

Teamwork. We do not have the luxury of resources. No one is an individual. As long as there’s something to be done, every one will chip in to help. Even the MPs move tables and chairs, no one receives special treatment.