Debate on CareShield Life – Speech by Chen Show Mao

(Delivered in Parliament on 10 July 2018)

The Review Committee’s recommendations are a step in the right direction for long-term care support: they embrace the principle of risk pooling to address the growing needs of long-term care for those Singaporeans who, whether through age, illness or circumstance, become severely disabled.

The Committee recommends Government support through:

• Permanent means-tested premium subsidies;

• Transitional subsidies; and

• Additional Premium Support for Singaporeans who are unable to pay their premiums even after subsidies, so that no one will lose coverage.

Government support for premiums for lower- and middle-income Singaporeans needs to be an important feature of Careshield Life to ensure that all Singaporeans can have coverage. We welcome the Government’s commitment to providing that support to lower- and middle-income Singaporeans.

More work remains to be done. For example, the initial cash payout of $600 per month under the enhanced scheme is higher than the $400 currently payable under Eldershield, but how much more long-term care it can help procure will depend on the mix of care alternatives available and how much they cost — home nursing, foreign domestic workers, a bed in a nursing home, a place in daycare centres etc. For a real solution in providing long-term care to Singaporeans, quite beyond the payouts under a disability insurance scheme such as Careshield Life, we need to develop an eco-system rich in disability-care options, as well as effective policies that would nudge Singaporeans towards choices that meet not only individual demands for affordable and inclusive care, but also the public’s interests in sustainable care.

Thank you.



许多人说靠自己。说投保不管是参加新的终身护保计划或是现有的乐龄健保计划,是自己靠自己缴保费才能领保额。这也说的过去…在一定程度上是靠自己。但是我认为更准确的说法应该是靠大家。靠大家一起来分担风险,才能以相对低的、大家付得起的保费买得到相对高的、在需要时起得了作用的赔付额。就像保险公司打广告时喜欢说的:“人人为我, 我为人人”。 我今天为什么提起这一点呢?因为我希望提醒大家,尤其是年纪大一点的国人,在衡量个人的保费及赔付额时,在考虑要不要转投终身护保计划时,都能记得这一点 — 即一起承担风险的人越多,个人的保费及赔付额越稳定。

终身护保是乐龄健保的加强版。加强的方面包括保户可领赔付额一直到终老,不像现在乐龄健保赔付期最长六年。再者终身护保计划将由政府执行管理,不是保险公司。后年推行时,每月赔付额将是600元,比乐龄健保目前赔付的400元多了200元。保什么风险呢?保户若在六项日常活动中,无法进行任何三项,即被认定为“重度残障”,可提出索偿。这六项日常活动是(冲凉、吃饭、换衣服、上厕所、室内走动、下床坐上椅子或轮椅)。从2020年起,年满30岁的新加坡公民和永久居民将强制加入终身护保计划。 也就是说,从后年起,年满30岁的残障人士,可以在终身护保计划下提出索偿。那老人家呢?必须先主动的加入终身护保计划。保户一旦无法自理 ,例如因为衰老、中风或失智等原因而无法进行六项日常活动中三项,即可提出索偿,终身每个月获得一笔现金来应付中长期护理费,直到康复为止。


委员会说终身护保计划应该能自我持续。也就是说应该能取得保费及赔付额两者的平衡,不会入不敷出。计划本身能自我持续,但是落实计划的细节,甚至计划外配套的工作,还是需要积极的规划和进行的。举个例子,如何援助付不起保费的国人,将他们纳入计划内,不让落于人后,需要落实。再举个例子,600元比400元多了200元,那又如何,能多买几斤长期护理?家庭护理,全职护理女佣、疗养院、社区里的日间护理设施 还是其它的安排 — 口袋里有600元,可外头有足够的,合适的,选择吗?又它价钱合理、需要它的人承担的了吗?
